Goju-Ryu Karate


Goju-ryu translates as hard/soft style. Developed and adapted by Chojun Miyagi, Goju-Ryu incorporates  both circular and linear movements into its curriculum and is one of the three recognized authentic forms of Karate. Combining hard striking attacks such as kicks, knee strikes, punches and elbows (Go) with softer open hand techniques (Ju) for attacking, blocking, and controlling the opponent, makes Goju-Ryu and ideal fighting system for practical applications. Training features a heavy focus on developing powerful striking, learning to use an opponents body against them, and also includes joint locks, grappling, take downs, and throws.  Influcences of various martial arts within its history from China are still appararent and trained through a strong dedication to kata, basics and bunkai (applications).

Technial Direction

Kyoshi Mike Sywyk and Kyoshi Laura Sywyk are Renshi Conrad's instructors. At Bushi Martial Arts Academy, we take our technical guidance and standard adherance direction from these two internationally acclaimed martial artists who receive their guidance from the very top of the multitude of martial arts systems we practice. Be it Goju Ryu, Kobudo, Kung Fu, competitive kick boxing - we are learning from the very best. Kyoshi Mike is our Canadian advisor for the Goju-Ryu Kenkyukai under Taira Sensei. Kyoshi Laura Sywyk is our Canadian advisor for the Jundokan; the original school of Goju-Ryu in Okinawa. Not only are these two master instructors in high demand, they are accessible to our students and work directly with them several times per year.

Taira Masaji Sensei

Taira Masaji Sensei is the founder of the Goju-Ryu Kenkyukai. This organization focuses heavily on the practical applications hidden within kata and seeks to explore and share the fundamental principles of Goju Ryu. Taira Sensei's creative approach to bunkai oyo is unique in so many ways yet true to the essence of what karate is at its core. Unlike many leading martial artists of influence today, Taira Sensei does not keep his cards close to his chest. He strongly believes in sharing knowledge, being creative, and adapting to personal expression. This is exemplified in this quote from his website. "We are all different, we all have different skills and abilities. Through research we will discover the common factors that go into effective karate practice and use those factors to continually improve"


The Jundokan was established by Eichi Miyazato Sensei following the passing of Goju-Ryu  founder Chojun Miyagi Sensei. Chosen as Miyagi Chojun's successor, Miyazato Sensei named his organization "Jundokan". This translates as "to follow in one's footsteps". By keeping in tradition and continuing to learn and share with the executive instructors of the Jundokan, our lineage to the very roots of traditional martial arts remains unbroken.

Tetsu Gima Sensei

Tetsu Gima Sensei is the Chief Director of the Jundokan. Powerful, intense and precise, Gima Sensei leaves no doubt of the power and speed Okinawans can generate with their strikes and movements. On the dojo floor at special events, Gima will always spend time with the teenagers and younger students.

Tsuneo Kinjo Sensei

Tsuneo Kinjo Sensei is a Permanent Director of the Jundokan. Generous with his knowledge and very approachable and compassionate, Kinjo Sensei exemplifies what it is to be the father of an international martial arts family.


The Eastern Martial Arts Coalition is an organization that seeks to unite traditional martial arts practitioners in an atmosphere of sharing and growth. Co-founded by Kyoshi Brian Lowry (President) and Kyoshi Mike Sywyk (Technical Director), EMAC bridges gaps and provides an amazing variety of training opportunities within its own ranks of Chief Instructors or through its incredible list of world renowned martial artists. This is our training federation.  

Martial Arts Family

Those who dedicate themselves to a life of martial arts traning do so with great sacrifice. This encourages karateka to not only make the most of every training opportunity, but to include family members into the fold.  We acknowledge that the sacrifices made for training are not just our own. The sacrifices others make so we can train and provide opportunities for those we mentor, are most appreciated.