Bushi Martial Arts Academy

Our Philosophy

We believe that through a supportive yet demanding atmosphere, we can foster the drive in our members to push beyond what they believe they can achieve. With a focus on training mind, body and spirit, our wholistic approach to self-improvement emphasizes the virtues of traditional martial arts. Our belief is that higher level training not only brings about a higher level of self-awareness, but a greater appreciation of one's gifts of character. This becomes evident in our students' results in and out  of the dojo. Although we take great pride in the quality of training we offer, we pride ourselves mainly on the quality of our members. We are not merely a dojo. We are a martial arts family.


Kobudo translates as the "ancient martial way of Okinawa". This is the study and mastery of traditional Okinawan weapons. With an intact lineage stretching back hundreds of years, we continue to practice the traditions under the Okinawa Kobudo Doushi Rensei-Kai (OKDR). 

Goju Ryu Karate

Goju-Ryu translates as Hard and Soft style. One of only 3 forms of authentic karate styles, Goju-Ryu is a close-in fighting system that specializes in powerful striking, joint locks, grappling, takedowns and throws.  The soft techniques in Goju Ryu reveal its roots in Shaolin. Much emphasis is given to breathing and body conditioning.  

Competition Team

All members are welcome to join our competitive team. Taking part in provincial and national competitions across Ontario and Quebec, our students have the opportunity to measure themselves against the top competitive teams in the country.  We compete in kumite, forms, weapons and Ju-Jitsu application. Competitive members take part in extra training sessions which often accelerates their progression through the ranks. 

The Dojo

Come see us!

Located downstairs at MyGYM and Fitness Center

50 Government Rd. West - Kirkland Lake 

Text us :  705-570-0216
